Advice from the pros on brewery expansion

As the craft beer market grows rapidly, more and more small breweries are considering their expansion plans. This is a big deal for small brewery or beer bar owners (as demand increases), and for us too! But as a brewery equipment supplier, we need to focus more on how we can adapt to the future needs of small breweries.

We recently completed a brewery expansion project that we hope will provide some advice to any brewery owner planning to upgrade their brewery or brew bar.

customized Traditional Three Vessel Brewhouse


Spend enough time communicating and remain patient

We received an inquiry from a client looking to improve his filters by adding four 10bbl fermentation tanks, two beer tanks, and some accessories for his brewing company.

The client's to do/add list included:

1. 5 barrel brewery

▸ Add a grain slide to his filter barrel.

▸ Add a hop blocker to his kettle.

▸ Customized a stainless steel mashing paddle for his 5bbl mashing bucket.

2. Cellar Tank

1) Add four 10bbl fermentation tanks

▸His brewery has several 5bbl fermentation tanks, and to make them all look good, we designed the new 10bbl fermentation tank with the same level of glycol inlet and outlet as the existing 5bbl fermentation tank.

▸ Ladder support

▸Hose hooks

▸ Exact size of thermometer sleeve

▸ Rotating shelf arm

2) Add two 10bbl BBTs.

▸ Same level of glycol outlet

▸ Ladder hooks

3) Electric room dehumidifier

Need a lot of fittings and accessories such as butterfly valves, sampling taps, spinning valves, carbon stones, sight glasses, tees, E blow, PT100, etc. We have the capability and really like this project. Transforming a small business into a multi-million dollar enterprise has given us a lot of pleasure.



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