Why Does it Take so Long to Cool Down the Beer in BBT?

In daily brewing BBT, you may find that sometimes it takes a long time to cool beer in British beer cans.

How to solve it? What could be the cause? As a Beer Equipment Manufacturer, share with you.

Gas Fired Brewhouse

Gas Fired Brewhouse

1. Check the glycol water cycle

Check whether there is effective liquid flowing through the glycol water inlet and outlet on the beer bottle.

If not, there may be a blockage in the ice water pipe.

2. The temperature of glycol water is not enough to cool the beer in BBT in a short time.

As you know, usually the temperature of the beer after fermentation is not too high.

In this case, try to lower the set temperature of the cooler.

3. If the beer temperature needs to be lowered from low temperature (for example, 3°C-2°C), it will take a long time.

4. If the temperature in the BBT decreases too quickly, an ice film may form on the inner surface.

This will also affect the cooling of the water tank.



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