What are the Five Reasons Craft Beer is Better?

Do you deeply appreciate the contribution quality craft beer can make to our society? You are expected to answer: "Oh, not everyone? !" If not, we'd like to change your mind at the end of this article. Craft Beer Health Benefits is important for us.

Craft beer, by definition, is made with a bit of love and magic in small independent breweries (producing less than 2 million barrels a year), rather than an inventory of beer grocery stores that are mass-produced by one of the few mainstream brewers. 

So why is craft beer so suddenly so popular?

Here are five reasons why fine craft beer is taking the country by storm:

Medium Craft Brewery

Medium Craft Brewery

Craft beer gives you value for money

The average alcohol content (ABV) of craft beer is 5% to 10%, but some of the most popular craft beers have abVs as high as 40%! By contrast, mass-produced beers produced by large companies are less fond of a bottle, so the ABV of beer is 4 to 6 per cent, or even as low as 2 per cent. Yes, a beer with a recognizable label is more or less water, with a little beer on the side. In other words, you must drink four or five non-handmade cold beers to match the ABV you get from a single premium craft beer.

Craft beer tastes great

Taste is one of the biggest benefits of premium craft beer for the 48 percent of adults who prefer beer. Budweiser and its rivals focused on margins and Super Bowl ads, while US craft brewers were taken aback. Not to mention, these 3,418 breweries bring us American craft beer, with thousands of different flavor combinations. Therefore, there is a taste that suits any taste preference; You won't be attracted to the cookie-cutter flavors that the major beer companies give you.

Drink craft beer for its nutritional value. You read that right. Good craft beer can actually help your health (in moderation, of course). The health benefits of drinking beer in moderation include:

Reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease.

The presence of the bone development element silicon improves bone density.

Reduce the risk of joint diseases such as arthritis.

High density lipoprotein (HDL) levels rise, which helps lower cholesterol.

Reduce the incidence of diabetes.

Not to mention finding taste in simple pleasures, including craft beer, can make life happier and more fulfilling.

Craft beer is available with each season

Almost 85% of craft beer drinkers choose their drinks according to the season or activity they are in. At the beginning of autumn, the thought of a coffee shop selling pumpkin spice lattes causes a great deal of hysteria. Craft beer drinkers can choose their beer and get a warm blur that matches their season or mood, because they can drink pumpkin spice lattes on a beautiful fall day to get the season or mood a coffee drinker enjoys. In fact, some craft beer bars even offer pumpkin spice lattes.

Our company also has Medium Craft Brewery for sale, welcome to consult us.



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