Detailed Description of Brewing Equipment

According to wine category, beer brewing equipment can be divided into liquor equipment, beer equipment, wine equipment, and other types of equipment.
Brewing equipment can be divided to fermentation equipment, brewing equipment and distillation equipment and later packaging filling equipment in accordance with the principles of brewing.
According to different material, brewing equipment can be divided into wooden wine equipment, stainless steel wine equipment, aluminum wine equipment, pewter wine equipment and others.
In brewing equipment market, stainless steel wine equipment plays a leading role. Stainless steel wine equipment has advantages of high gloss, beautiful appearance and hard wearing. Almost no bead after polishing, therefore it is favored by consumers. The advantages of stainless steel wine equipment can not be ignored, first in terms of performance, stainless steel is durable, thermal efficiency is high, save fuel, and brewing speed is fast, significantly higher than other materials wine equipment.
Our company produces brewing equipment has a high liquor yield, including micro breweryhome brewerymini brewery.



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