7BBL Fermenter / Unitank

7BBL Fermenter / Unitank
Material: SUS 304 S/S
Volume: 7BBL effective, 9.3BBL total volume, 25% head space, without domed head space
Our company is major in Home Brewery Unit, Brew House, Brewing Support Equipment, 20HL Micro Brewery, 300L Mini Brewery, Filtration Unit, Kegging Unit, Distillery & Winery Equipment, Fittings etc. Welcome to contact us.

Tank working pressure: 2bar
Jacket working pressure: 1bar
Polyurethane insulation, side and bottom insulated
Dimple plate cooling jacket
Cooling stage: cylinder and cone
Exterior: stain removed, and brightened on regular margin
Interior surface: Polished, and welding joint acid cleaned
Roughness: 0.4um
Domed top, 60 degree cone angle
Stainless steel leg, with adjustable leg bolt
Top fittings: CIP arm, spray ball, PVRV, manhole (top or side)
Side fittings: Glycol inlet/outlet, thermo well, sample port, manway (side or top)
Bottom fittings: Drain valve, beer outlet, carbonation unit (optional), thermo well
CIP arm including pressure gauge, pressure regulating valve
Dry hopping port on top(optional)
We are the top class supplier of 100HL Fermenter, 100HL Bright Beer Tank, Storage Tank, 4000L/40HL Fermenter, 15BBL BBT/Serving Tank, 15BBL Fermenter/Unitank, 100HL Fermenter/Unitank etc. Welcome!



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